Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pintester Uncovered

This time of year brings out presents, holiday cheer and shopping. With all of those things going on, other things take a fall since life is very hectic thinking about the above items alone. One blog that I found very helpful in this case is the Pintester blog. The “Pintester” goes through Pinterest post and figures out which recipes are really helpful or some are not even worth the time. She is very limited to Pinterest because of her title but I don’t think she really needs to review any other social networking sites. She posts on her blog almost every day and sees a lot of traffic on her website due to the amount of people of Pinterest repining her blogs. I think this is due to her realism and humor she portrays through her posts. They are very engaging and fun to read. When people comment, they are never really negative but they are asking for more information about her cooking that certain item. Her layout is very plain but it has to be for the amount of words and pictures she uses. The pictures pop put as do the words to keep readers engaged rather than worry about other styles on the page. I think this blog has become very successful due to the complete honesty of the page and the content. Pinterest is becoming the hot new social network and people want to read about it. This blog incorporates real pins but put them into reality in which a lot of the times, people can’t themselves. Her recipes are hard to compete with since she is being advertised on Pinterest daily and she does a very good job of keeping all of her readers entertained.

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